The Biggest Classic Rock Happenings This 2019

What never goes out of style? It’s something classic. Just like how classic rock is, it’s timeless and continues to welcome new listeners. Relive the experience of classic rock and check out some of the biggest names in the genre that will be on tour this 2019: The Rolling Stones Probably the most anticipated tour […] More

Ranking All The Songs In Paul McCartney’s Beatle-esque “Flaming Pie”

Paul McCartney’s musical career flourished even after the Beatles disbanded. He composed and produced songs that still capture the interest of his audiences. McCartney has been a musician for a long time that his “returns” seems more like he’s here to stay. Among his numerous “returns”, Flaming Pie stands out as a true classic that […] More

Ranking The 10 Classic Rock Sophomore Albums

The second album is just as crucial as the first. Second or sophomore albums are defining factors in careers. This ensures the continuity of a musician or a band. Fans will see if there is anything interesting or new with their favorite artists. Are they just a one-hit wonder? Or is it just the same […] More

Paul McCartney’s Most Underrated Work-

A Handmade Moment of Domestic Bliss The release of Ram hit Beatles fans with the reality of the world’s most prolific band falling apart. No matter how genius the work was- no one was going to like it. It was Paul McCartney picking up and moving on with his life. In the infamous 1971 Rolling Stone review by […] More