The ‘Saturday Night Live’ Moment That Left America Speechless

“The Air Went Out Of the Studio.” She doesn’t regret it. In fact, “Hell no!” was her emphatic reply when asked if she’d do things differently if given the chance during a 2002 interview with Salon Magazine. Now 52, Sinead O’Connor is more than 25 years removed from the moment that left America speechless – […] More

The Last Words Of 10 Famous Rockstars

Jimi Hendrix: “I need help bad, man.” These were the last words of the legendary guitarist before passed away at the Samarkand Hotel in London on September 18, 1970. George Harrison: “Love one another.” Harrison died at the home of a long time friend, with wife and son with him. He battled cancer until the end. He […] More

The Electric Guitar Is About To Become Obsolete…

RIP? I recently came across a video about a new piece of music technology called the Seaboard. This new instrument is basically a keyboard but with all of its limitations taken away. It’s hard to describe in words, but basically it’s a keyboard with an interface and an aesthetic that is meant for human hands. […] More

Did Frank Zappa’s Career Really Mean All That Much…?

The Truth… There’s absolutely no denying that Frank Zappa was without a shadow of a doubt one of the greatest musicians that ever walked the face of the earth. He was easily one of the most brilliant musical minds in the world and even today, 25 years after his death, he is one of the […] More

Paul McCartney’s Most Underrated Work-

A Handmade Moment of Domestic Bliss The release of Ram hit Beatles fans with the reality of the world’s most prolific band falling apart. No matter how genius the work was- no one was going to like it. It was Paul McCartney picking up and moving on with his life. In the infamous 1971 Rolling Stone review by […] More

Badfinger’s Career Was Plagued By Death, Robbery, and Turmoil

One Of The Saddest Stories In Rock & Roll… During the 60s and the 70s, Badfinger from Swansea, Wales were slated to become the next big thing. From writing tons of timeless hits to inadvertently being discovered by Paul McCartney, Badfinger’s future looked as promising as ever. Members Pete Ham, Joey Molland, Tom Evans, and […] More